Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snowed In, In Seattle

It has been snowing on and off since Saturday, not my favorite thing. When I was in school I absolutely loved the snow because that almost always meant no school, which also meant a delayed test or paper.  Now that I am done with my education I really don't like the snow. I mean don't get me wrong, I love the idea of snow when everything turns into a beautiful white winter wonderland! It's like a movie and everything somehow seems quieter. There is a clam in the air, it's nice but the consequences can be annoying. 
It doesn't snow much in Seattle, maybe three to five days out of the year (if any) but when it snows it snows pretty good!  And almost everything shuts down, no school, no work, no nothing. Why? Well, no one is really ready for snow. Why get ready for something that probably won't happen? Many times the news will say it's gonna snow and it doesn't, so naturally most people don't bother taking the time or money to get snow tires or chains, myself included. So in the rare times when the news is right on and it does snow, we (Seattle lites) slip, slide, and get stuck when we try to drive in it. Not to mention the steep hills in Seattle, though beautiful, hills and ice/snow don't mix. As a result we all just stay home and for those of us in school, this is awesome but for hourly employees, like myself, this is not cool. It's nice to have an extra day or two off. After three or four days I start to feel stuck and a little stir crazy. I decided to bundle up and take some snow photos. I hope you enjoyed them :)

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